商務英語初級第三版答案?https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xl-q4OJC6pDSEqvBInHw4g?pwd=1234 BEC初級(BEC Preliminary Level,縮略為BEC Pre.)是劍橋商務英語職業(yè)等級考試。BEC初級不受年齡、性別、職業(yè)、地區(qū)、學歷等限制,任何人(包括學生、那么,商務英語初級第三版答案?一起來了解一下吧。


A. right B. appropriate C . suitable D.becoming


22. In Japan, you receive a business card from one of your colleague, then, you should_____

A.put it in your pocket without reading it.

B.put it in your back pocket after you read it.

C.put it in your cardholder after you read it carefully.

D.put it in your cardholder without reading it.


23. In_____, the business cards you received are often a bit larger than in other countries.

A.Japan B. America C.Italiy D.France


24. When you receive someone else’s business card you should( )

A.immediately put it into your back pocket

B.immediately pass them your business card

C.look at the card but say nothing about it

D.look at the card and acknowledge it


25. The right way of writing date line in a business is_____.

A. 2 14, 2010 B. Feb 14, 2010 C. 14 Feb, 2010 D. February 14, 2010

right answer is D

26. In _____,business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions without formal ritual.

A.France B. Asia C.America D.Africa

Answer: A

27. In _____,exchanging business cards is common among professional workers. But noamally it is not the situation in social settings.

A. France B. Asia C.America D. Australia

Answer: D

28. In_____,business cards have no formal exchange protocol.

A. France B. Asia C.America D. South Africa

Answer: D

29. What we shouldnt do when meeting visitors at the airport?

A.Never send just a driver

B.Include a translator if necessary

C.Hold a greeting sign

D.Write the visitors name with a marking pen on carboard


30. Giving a welcoming ceremony at the airport can enforce the idea that the visitors are entering a new culture not just a business venture,usually the welcoming place is ______.

A.the airport lobby

B.a private room off the crowds

C.in front of the aeroplane



31. A welcoming packet of information should be given to _____ of the visiting group at the welcoming ceremony.

A.the director

B.the president

C.the general manager

D.all members


32. In a General Inquiry, a businessman states clearly all the information he needs. So which one is not belong to General Inquiry?

A.a catalogue B.price list C.sample book D.an offer


33. _____ should be worn (even in hot climates) as a sign of professional respect.

A.Business suits



D.Bizarre dress


34. Answering some requests requires a substantial amount of time and effort,which statement belowing is NOT in accord with such a requisition?

A.You may need to consult other members of your company to obtain the answers to some questions.

B.You may need to retrieve electronically stored data or search paper records.

C.You may need to do nothing.

D.You may need to obtain formal permission to release information that you have yourself.


35. If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine ,for example,give the____and ______of the publication.

A.price , date B.name , date C.price,name D.name,size


36. _____ shoud be done by menmber of the host team when people welcome a visitor at the airport.

A.Embracing B.Individual introductions C.Hand shaking D.Exchange business cards


37. If your price are attractive, we will ______ an order with you.

A.place B.make C.do D.take


38. Likewise, years later, your corporation was late to embrace the_____ for digital imagery.

A.price B.room C.place D.market


39. Structure aid for inquiry and reply contians the following ,except_____.

A.introducing yourself B.writers identification

C.making inquiries or request D.restating the main points or urging for an reply


40. If the director, president, or general manager cannot be on hand for the greeting at the airport, send the ( ) available.

A.driver B.cooker C.the next highest official D.accountant


41. As the hosts, a welcoming packet of information should be given to ( ) members of the visiting group when meeting the visitors at the airport.



You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer,Mr. Elton Deland,who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July.

Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary.

. Explain Why you postpone your trip.

. Mention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arrive.

. Ask her to arrange your meeting.

. Write 30-40words on your Answer Sheet.


一般不用信頭稱呼的形式,也不采用在結尾處署上寫信人的名字的方式,而是在備忘錄的開頭處寫明收信人To________,在結尾處寫明具體的寫信人From___________以及主題:Re:__________ 或Subject:____________。


教材:新編劍橋商務英語(初級 第三版)學生用書 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

配套用書:新編劍橋商務英語同步輔導(初級 ,這里面有很多拓展的上午知識) 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

新編劍橋商務英語教師用書(初級 )出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

新編劍橋商務英語口試必備手冊(中低級) 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

真題以及模擬題: 劍橋BEC真題集(初級 )第2,3,4 輯出版社:人民郵電出版社

劍橋商務英語證書(初級 )模擬試題冊出版社:人民郵電出版社

詞匯:劍橋商務英語高級詞匯精選——新東方大愚英語學習叢書 出版社:群言出版社




教材:新編劍橋商務英語(初級 第三版)學生用書 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

配套用書:新編劍橋商務英語同步輔導(初級 ,這里面有很多拓展的上午知識) 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

新編劍橋商務英語教師用書(初級 ) 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

新編劍橋商務英語口試必備手冊(中低級) 出版社:經(jīng)濟科學出版社

真題以及模擬題: 劍橋BEC真題集(初級 )第2,3,4 輯 出版社:人民郵電出版社

劍橋商務英語證書(初級 )模擬試題冊 出版社:人民郵電出版社




以上就是商務英語初級第三版答案的全部內容,1.初級商務英語口語之機場接待對話 1.商務建議 接待時,應當著裝正式,熱情主動,并提出為對方拿行李,以顯示你對客戶的關心。此外,熟記一些接機時的常用句型并加以活用也是至關重要的,內容來源于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),信息真?zhèn)涡枳孕斜鎰e。如有侵權請聯(lián)系刪除。
