
dusty:灰塵的,塵土飛揚的。例句:Sunlight filtered in through the dusty window.

partner:伙伴,搭檔。例句:He has a competent partner who always organizes everything well for him.


suffer:遭受,忍受。例句:The city suffered heavy damage from the earthquake.

recover:恢復,痊愈。例句:He's now fully recovered from his stroke.

exactly:確切地,精確地。例句:The train arrived at exactly 8 o'clock.


believe in:相信。例句:She believes in the power of prayer.

need:需要。例句:I need some help with my homework.

try hard:努力嘗試。例句:You'll succeed if you try hard.

get a job:找到工作。例句:She managed to get a job at a law firm.

grow food:種植食物。例句:Farmers grow food to feed the nation.

pass exams:通過考試。例句:She studied hard and passed her exams with flying colors.

feel bad:感到糟糕。例句:I felt bad when I heard the news.


legendary:傳奇的。例句:He is a legendary figure in the world of music.

obtain degrees:獲得學位。例句:She obtained her bachelor's degree in engineering.

earn praise:贏得贊揚。例句:His work earned praise from his boss.

