What are your hobbies? 你的愛好是什么?
I love playing sports in my free time. 我喜歡在空閑時間做運動。
Reading books is my passion. 閱讀是我的激情所在。
I enjoy listening to music and dancing. 我喜歡聽音樂和跳舞。
Traveling to new places excites me. 到新地方旅行讓我感到興奮。
Gardening is a great stress buster for me. 園藝對我來說是很好的減壓方式。
I am fascinated by photography. 攝影讓我著迷。
Cooking is an art that I truly appreciate. 烹飪是一門我真正欣賞的藝術(shù)。
I like to keep myself updated with the latest technology. 我喜歡讓自己了解最新的技術(shù)。
My favorite pastime is painting. 我最喜歡的消遣是畫畫。
I have a keen interest in learning different languages. 學習不同語言是我濃厚的興趣之一。
Collecting stamps is one of my childhood hobbies. 收集郵票是我童年時期的愛好之一。
Yoga and meditation help me to stay calm and centered. 瑜伽和冥想幫助我保持平靜和專注。
I am a movie buff and enjoy watching different genres. 我是個電影迷,喜歡觀看不同類型的電影。
My weekends are often spent hiking and exploring the outdoors. 我的周末常常在徒步和探索戶外度過。