捕魚網(wǎng) (Fishing net) - 用來捕捉水中的魚類。
足球網(wǎng) (Soccer net) - 安裝在球門后,用于接收進球的球。
網(wǎng)球網(wǎng) (Tennis net) - 設(shè)置在兩個球員之間,作為比賽的一部分。
安全網(wǎng) (Safety net) - 在高處作業(yè)時使用,以防人員墜落受傷。
過濾網(wǎng) (Filter net) - 用于液體或空氣過濾系統(tǒng),以去除雜質(zhì)。
What is the English translation of '網(wǎng)子'?
The English translation of '網(wǎng)子' is 'net'.
How to say '網(wǎng)子' in different languages?
In English, '網(wǎng)子' can be translated as 'net'. In Japanese, it can be written as 'あみ'. In Korean, it is '?'. In Russian, it is 'сеть'.
What are some common uses of nets?
Nets have many uses, such as fishing, playing sports like volleyball and basketball, and protecting oneself from insects or pests. They can also be used in construction or decoration.
What are some types of nets?
There are various types of nets, including fishnets, volleyball nets, basketball nets, soccer goal nets, and safety nets. Each type has its specific use and design.