Title: The Immortal Poet - Li Bai
Li Bai (701-762), also known as Li Po, is probably China's most famous poet. He was born in the Tang Dynasty and had written a lot of poems, some of which are still famous until now. Children can recite his poems even today. The romanticism in Li Bai's poems comes from his rich imagination and bold style. His imagination is so powerful that he could travel to the ninth heaven and wander in the world of fantasy.
Li Bai's poems are filled with heroism and a sense of adventure. He traveled around the country in his lifetime, composing about 1,000 pieces of poems which were models for celebrating friendship, appreciating nature, and the joys of drinking wine. His poems are not only romantic but also full of profound thoughts and emotions.
As a romantic genius, Li Bai took traditional poetic forms to a new height and exerted a far-reaching influence on the poems of future generations. His poetry has inspired many poets and writers, not only in China but also around the world. Li Bai's works have been translated into various languages, including English, and continue to captivate readers with their timeless beauty and wisdom.