"I was born in the city of York, in England, about the beginning of September, in the year 1632."
"I now began to consider myself as a castaway, and looked upon my present condition as a kind of death and burial."
"The ship was driven by the storm upon the shore, and broke in pieces; but I swam on shore, and escaped."
"I found myself upon an island, wholly uninhabited, without any sign of human beings, and without any hope of relief."
"I resolved to make a survey of the whole island, and to see if there were any other parts of it more habitable than that where I had landed."
"I found a great plenty of wild grapes, which were very good to eat, and gave me great refreshment."
"I now began to think of my former life, and to reflect how unhappy I had been by all my vain endeavors to improve my fortune."
"I was now in my fifteenth year of residence in this island, and began to think seriously of my future prospects."
"I had now been more than twenty years in this island, and began to think seriously of my future prospects."
"I was now in my sixtieth year, and began to feel the infirmities of age."